It is a unique and specialized self-made spell to meet the desires of the remanded. They are said to be the best spells because they give exactly what the requester needs. Experienced witches practice custom spells as they can manipulate and combine different spells, magical symbols and drawings use elements or plants and animals that represent or resolve that problem.
It could go wrong, and they are documented in a grimmer or witch book if it meets a need. Both good and bad custom spells can be classified into white and black magic; the demand might be for one’s favor and another’s downfall. Both good and bad witches usually do custom spells; it can go from a simple in-house spell to outdoor chants.Going back to mystical times, supernatural beings were made as a result of custom spells like in the movie, ‘originals,’ and ‘vampire diaries’ were spells were heavily manipulated and created by witches.
Some example of a custom spell includes:
. Potions
. Specified hex
. Love spells
. Riches spell
. Object magic
. Kingmaker spells
. bewitching spells
. Beauty spells
. Death spells
. Enchantments.
With the arrival of modern times and custom spells now placed on sales, one can cast a simple self-made spell if one has a strong belief in magic.
Steps for casting a customized spell
Purify yourself before you conduct any spell, especially if you are not a witch.
Purify surrounding either by sprinkling salt or holy water or burning sage while talking to keep bad spirits of any kind away from u.
Make an altar or a sacred circle using candles, cross, crystals, a book and pen, and other spiritual or biblical objects, depending on the nature of the spell.

Custom Spells For you
Call on a higher power and focus. Be absolutely quiet to engage your self with spirits!
Recite your spell or incantation and end with the burning of the paper bearing the spell and bask in its smoke. custom spells Kingmaker spells . bewitching spells . Beauty spells . Death spells . Enchantments.